Staying grateful in difficult times
It's been a while since we last spoke. I'm not going to lie, I've had a rough few weeks, health-wise. Both me and my partner have had the flu (probably covid), and we're still not completely well almost two weeks later. Although we were both lucky to get pretty mild symptoms, it's been frustrating. I haven't been able to paint, or to make videos and so I've fallen behind on my posting schedule. I try not to stress out about that. I know it's not the end of the world. But I've gotten used to my one-video-a-week schedule and I don't like missing uploads. I was planning on releasing a video today but had to postpone it because my voice just doesn't allow for good voice over recordings. Gahhh...
But. My problems are minuscule compared to what other people are going through right now. I feel so lucky for the relative good health of myself and my family, for living where I do, for feeling safe and secure. Its always good to keep things in perspective. I am extremely grateful.
As I write this, a flock of waxwings are keeping me company outside my window. It's the first time I've seen them in over a year. We had a sudden snowstorm over-night that once again buried our house in a thick layer of wet snow. But we have nowhere we need to go in a few days and hopefully it will melt away on its own. 😂 (No more snow shoveling for me this winter.)
I'm feeling better each day, regaining my energy. I’ve set up my digital piano in my studio and am getting back into practicing again which feels amazing. And I have so many exciting projects planned. A new welcome gift for my email friends, a new watercolor course, and of course my new painting collection and lots more YouTube videos. Spring is almost here and I've already heard the blackbird once. Good times are coming.
I hope you are doing well, feeling healthy and safe. 🖤
Until next time,
/ Louise