I don't feel like making art, because I fear that...

It won’t be liked or well received and that would confirm the thoughts of not being a good artist or that my art is not good enough.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Louise Stigell

I don't feel like making art, because I fear that...

…my art isn’t good enough

…there isn’t enough people who will like my art for it to succeed and I’m chasing an impossible dream.

Also I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better, Louise! That’s wonderful!

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Thank you. 🙏🏻

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Louise Stigell

I don't feel like making art (sometimes) because I fear that I might get bored 😅 drawing has been my passion all these years but after getting better at it, it's somehow no longer challenging to me?! And sometimes I don't know why I'm even doing it. Is it weird? I don't know, maybe it's just ADHD!

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I do not feel like making art, because I feel overwhelmed when I have left more mundane parts of life unattended, and those responsibilities pile up around me, still undone.

Within the past several months, I have been making small improvements overall though, and there has been a small amount of time, almost every day, for some art making (currently, a large knitted piece of my design), which is nearing completion, after working on it for over a year.

I’m finding that letting myself slow down and allowing myself to pause, take a deep breath, and listen for the answer when I ask, “What do I do now?” are some simple ways that I’ve become better at grounding and finding my center, so that my focus and productivity increase. I have a decades-long habit of taking on too many things at once, which translates to none of it being done well. I am in the process of shedding what isn’t helpful anymore - developing “best practices” for my life, to include art.

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I came here from your YouTube channel, and wanted to first say how much I appreciate your videos. I was inspired by you to start a newsletter and here I am! I have everything set up, and I'm working on my first mail.

I am getting ready for my first real art festival, and so I'm doing a lot of printing, framing, getting ready, and so I'm too burned out to have energy left over for actually making art. I'm excited for the festival, and possibly more excited for the days after, when I can make art again!!

Also, I love Gloomhaven! My friends and I have been working our way through the base set for the last year or so! We play a LOT of board games, so if you play others I'd love to hear about it!

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Oh yaaaay! Both to your art festival, and to Gloomhaven. 😌

Thank you for saying that, and I'm so excited that you've started your own newsletter. 🙏🏻

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I don't feel like making art (writing my fiction) because my best work makes me feel things I'm afraid to feel. My heart might explode. Readers might turn away from my rawness. See this wonderful post from Lani Diane Rich @ Dear Writer for more on that: https://dearwriter.substack.com/p/inappropriate?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Wow, I'm feeling that one a lot. Totally understand those reasons. Writing is certainly not for the faint of heart, it demands a lot of bravery.

Thank you for recommending this Substack! I immediately subscribed. So many great posts. 😌

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Love your Barn Owl snippet and can’t wait to see it finished! ❤️

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I failed it, unfortunately. 😂 Some paintings are meant to be sketches, it seems...

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Well sketches can be lovely too! And there’s always next time! 🫶🏻

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Louise Stigell

I don't feel like making art, because I fear that I might not be able to put into paper what I envision in my head.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Louise Stigell

Jag har inte ork att fokusera och driva mig själv att skapa så bra som jag kan, det känns tråkigt, styrt och kravfyllt. Men att pröva andra sätt, improvisera och måla sådant som gör mig glad innebär att det inte blir lika bra, imponerande eller hänga på väggen och passa in vänligt. Jag tappade lusten helt tills jag bestämde mig för att måla för min upplevelse, inte för andras bedömning, eller min egna kritiska bedömning. Hoppas du förstår vad jag menar. Kram

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Förstår exakt. ❤️ Kram

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Thank you for this timely letter. Fear is something I've been pondering on a lot lately. Self-doubt around pursuing this slow creative life. Pressure to make it work but also afraid what will happen if it doesn't work; the shame, the embarrassment. Weirdly, I'm at a stage where I do make art. That's not really the issue. The issue for me is how will it be received. The fear of making art and the art not being received. Oh, the Leo in me just wants that approval from others, constantly chasing that external validation. But the Libra in me is in search of beauty. And luckily my Libra Sun outshines my Leo's need for external approval. Slowly getting better at making art for my own delight but the dark thoughts still linger.

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I don't feel like making art, because I fear that...it sometimes does feel good enough, even though I know it doesn't have to all the time.

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I don't feel like making art because I fear that I will need to post it to social media

I don't feel like making art because I fear that it will end up in the unfinished pile

I don't feel like making art because I fear that if I fail I will never draw again

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Louise Stigell

I don't feel like making art, because I fear that... it will become yet another useless cluttering page, once I move to my next drawing.

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