What do you do when you want to get creative work done, but really don't feel like it? When you pace for hours around a project. When you're feeling uninspired, and unmotivated. When you're not in the mood to create, but you want to be.
I received a voice message from a fellow creative about this topic, and in this episode I share my thoughts on inspiration, and my best tips for making yourself inspired whenever you need to.
Steven Pressfield - The War of Art
My essay The tough love guide to curing writer's block
Want to leave me a message for the show?
Email me your thoughts or questions at louise@louisestigell.com or better yet, leave a voice message at www.speakpipe.com/thecalmcreative. I would love to hear from you!
About the podcast:
The Calm Creative is a podcast about making a living on your art, without burning out or going insane. With your host Louise Stigell. To get shownotes and other content via email, and join my community of creatives, subscribe at louisestigell.substack.com.
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